Business storytelling
Brilliant Businesses provides highly engaging business storytelling expertise, either to complement your video podcast or as a separate standalone service.
Reveal your background, the ups and downs you’ve gone through and how you’ve arrived at where you are today.
Perhaps you have some news to share with the business community – a nomination, an award, new services, a new office. Let people know. Your prospects and your customers want to know more about you and your company than you may realise.
Tell your audience about the person behind the business, giving them a full in-the-round understanding of what you do – and how you do it.
How does it work? It’s plain sailing. Invite Brilliant Businesses to your offices. We’ll take pictures and get a feel for how you work. We’d like to soak up your general office “vibe”.And of course, our chat will be effortless, down-to-earth and stress-free.
A Searchable Directory
In effect, this is an up-style business directory.
How? Because there’s powerful search functionality on our website, enabling enquiring visitors to find you by industry sector and location.
Your story will be permanently on our website, and every 12 months you can update it with news of any changes or exciting developments. Also, you will automatically receive that all-important hyperlink back to your own site; fabulous for your organic search engine optimisation, as Google ranks legitimate backlinks to like-minded or local sites.
You can share the account on your social media.
And What Do YOU Do?
Visit a networking event, and what do you see?
Mostly, it’s entrepreneurs and business owners asking each other questions. Likewise, listening intently to their answers. We’re endlessly fascinated by other people. And long may it remain so.
Being in business is an exclusive club – of sorts. Not everyone does it, wants to do it, or can even get it right. But, your success speaks for you. Or, does it? Perhaps you need an experienced third party to express it for you.
Would you like us to help tell your story – in writing?
Business storytelling is here, courtesy of Brilliant Businesses. Contact us for more information.