Dee Airey

Dee Airey Photography

“Before I moved into the studio that I now have on The Pantiles, I had to strip it out, it was a complete mess and not very nice at all.  I got a big contractor who went to work stripping the whole shop out and putting it back together. It looks exactly how I visualised it, with a wedding photography gallery at the front, and a portrait studio to the rear.  All of this happened in June 2022 and I eventually opened 1st August 2022.

When I moved in, I had already decided I didn’t want to be travelling all over the country anymore, I had done the whole length and breadth of Britain, got on planes and shot abroad, did the whole destination thing, and I wanted to condense into Kent and use this space as my backdrop. When I get enquiries for local weddings, I invite couples in to meet with me here, it gives them the opportunity to see my work and albums up close and personal, rather than making big decisions looking at websites.

The back of the studio is for essentially family portrait work, which started because of wedding couples:  They would become pregnant so would ask if I would do maternity shoots, then the baby is born and I’m doing newborn shoots, then the family grows and I’d be photographing the family. That’s how the studio work has grown, and there are many clients who have come back to me for many years, from their engagement shoot to their growing family.

There’s a workshop and teaching space that created in the basement,  that is perfect for the basic photography courses I teach and other small workshops.

Something new for 2024 that I’m concentrating on now to add to my business is Brand Photography for local business owners.  I’ve done a lot of that kind of work this year, from headshots right through to full Brand Photography. I’ve really enjoyed helping business owners showcase the human and personality behind the business, and shooting them either here on The Pantiles or in their own work environment. People buy from people and I’m looking to support local entrepreneurs by raising their profiles and online visibility with high quality, professional Brand Photography.  There’s a lot of enterprise around Tunbridge Wells and a lot of business exchange, so I think it’s important to showcase the human behind the business and the people within it.

It’s all people photography and that’s what I love doing!”

Dee Airey Photography – December 2023


“I’ve been taking photos since I was 22 years old, I would jump in the car, drive to the coast and just look at people and take pictures, people watch, no direction, no thought into why or how, I just loved doing it. My husband saw something in me and he knew I was good at this, so he bought me a photography course – much to my disappointment at the time – on basic DSLR training. I wanted perfume, or jewellery or something like that, but looking back I’m glad he did it!

It was a ten week course in Sevenoaks and it absolutely changed my life. I spent all those years, with no control, just pointing and shooting and I would take a load of photos and every so often I’d get a real great one, but had know idea how I got it. On the training, I learnt how to control my images and how to get the images I wanted, learning about light etc. I moved on from there and went to do a professional photography diploma, it taught me a lot of theory and I decided to take up photography as a business. Aside to that, I’m a real music fan, I go to concerts all the time, I love live music and always go to the VIP area to take amazing shots of the artists and I’ve now got an amazing collection.

When I got married, I was itching to see the photos when we got back from our honeymoon, I think most people are and that’s what inspired me to do wedding photography. That was seven years ago and I now mainly do wedding photography, purely because, I was inspired by my own wedding photos. I’m currently on a personal and professional mentoring programme, with a handful of the UK’s top award winning photographers. I’m truly honored and it’s transforming my photography and business which I’m very excited about.

I’ve done lots of other photography, landscape, flowers, animals and nature which is fine but I don’t feel anything, I’m a real people person and I go through this internal process where I really start to feel peoples personalities, I absolutely love it when people love their photos. Whenever I hand the photos over to my clients, I can’t breathe until I get a response back from them, it’s so very important that they love them as much as I do.”

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About the business

As a photographer and small business coach, I love to capture the very essence of people in their personal and business journeys, and showcase them in the best possible way.

~ Why I Do What I Do ~

I believe that every entrepreneur has a unique story that deserves to be seen and heard. My mission is to bring these stories to life through powerful, authentic photography. By bringing out the very best of my clients, I aim to help them showcase their online profiles, enabling a deeper, more human connection with their ideal clients.

~ The Impact ~

My work goes beyond the camera. It’s about creating a space where business owners can confidently express their personal and professional identity. I strive to capture your strength, confidence, and vision, translating these elements into visual narratives that not only reflect your brand but also your journey as business owners.

~ My Promise ~

To each of my clients in Kent and beyond, I offer more than just photography services. I offer a partnership in which your aspirations and goals are given a visual voice, helping you stand out in the dynamic online world. Together, we create not just images, but a lasting impact.

Let’s Connect: Your brand has a story. Let’s tell it together. Reach out to begin our creative journey, and let’s make your vision a reality.

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