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Paul Midcalf

Audio Sorcery Recording Studios

“The things I’ve done through my life have been hobbies that have escalated, as the thought of getting on a crowded train to work every day did little to inspire me. It all started when brother Ashley purchased a Sinclair Spectrum in 1983 for £129, and this passing fad of his lasting no more than 1 hour was my starting point as a computer programmer and music composer. I learned basic and then machine code on those little rubber keys. I went to college in 1984 with the intention to do computer studies but they still had green screens and it all looked a little backward to me. Did I want to learn about ticker tape and punched cards?

Not really, but I did meet a nice chap in the college corridors called Simon Jones. My study year saw myself and Simon create a wonderful friendship, and then a game called ‘Tombstowne’ for the Amstrad CPC464. My father took both of us, armed with the game on cassette, to a computer show. He pushed past everyone at the Amstrad stand and went straight to Alan Sugar and said “My boys have written a game”. To our surprise Alan had an assistant load the game and review it there and then. We were asked to visit Alan at his Brentwood offices, and we were signed to Amsoft with a nice advance royalty payment. Around that time I got my exam results back from college – I had failed my computer studies exam. Quite ironic really. Within the games Simon and I scripted together, I composed the music too. Albeit a few beeps to a melodic melody. Magazine reviews always commented on our pleasing game tunes. Computers playing sounds fascinated me. So more advanced than the red electric Bontempi fan organ I’d pinched from my other brother Greg to play movie and TV themes in a comical Les Dawson fashion. A few years later would see Greg’s friend Eddie drop his drum kit to our attic room. Secretly, I’d learn the rudiments when home alone. Excellent noisy fun that gained a passion for playing the drums. Further down the line and the Atari ST would introduce 16 track digital audio recording and editing. Incredible! Later I’d join various bands playing either keyboards or drums, including locally known outfit ‘The Varlies’ from Tunbridge Wells. So with a mixed bag of self-taught skills, including customer facing car sales At Audi VW in Tonbridge, Typesetting and Design at Patterson Printing in Chapman Way, and my almost-obligatory stints at Undergrounds Sounds and JB’s Music in the St James district, I started Audio Sorcery recording studios in October 1999. To this day I enjoy all aspects of recording, from audio books for the likes of Audible and BBC Worldwide, casted audio dramas for Big Finish Productions, and my subsidiary Recording Experience Gifts company offering Children’s Pop Parties and gift vouchers for singers, songwriters and bands, of any age and ability, to visit and record professional sounding tracks with ease.”

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About the business

Audio Sorcery recording studios, based on a quiet picturesque business park between Frant and Wadhust near Tunbridge Wells, has been established since 1999. We’ve recorded many things since we opened our doors, covering all aspects of sound recording, music arranging, multi-track mixing and track mastering. We also provide an audio restoration and/or enhancement service.

From solo artists, singers, songwriters and full band recording of a single, EP, LP album mastered for CD, download & streaming through to commentary-on-picture, voiceover showreels and fully casted audio dramas for worldwide distribution, we have all the necessary equipment, and more importantly the skill and dedication to produce your next project, however big or small, to an impeccably high standard.

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