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Roy Smith

RTJ of Sussex

“I joined Park Holidays UK as a maintenance manager back in 2019 with a brief maintenance background, the manager at the time needed someone to come in and sort the team out, that was my chance, I love a challenge so took it on and did really well until COVID hit. I carried on working, as a maintenance manager we still had to work through the pandemic, but it gave me a time to reflect on my future and what I wanted to do with it.

I started to look at self-development with online courses, doing various diplomas at higher levels to progress within the holiday park industry, but it came to an end in 2022, unfortunately whenever I went for an interview, someone was always better than me and I would get pipped at the post – so I decided to look somewhere else.

I didn’t plan on starting my own business, I handed in my notice, and I was planning on joining another company. Then halfway through working my notice, my son who is a bricklayer was looking to sell his little Ford connect van and it went from there – I thought, you know what, I’m going to have a go on my own! So, I bought the van of my son, bought my first little tool bag and my vision then, in June 2022 was to be a handyman/gardener, I didn’t see anything beyond that, that was the service I was going to supply. Then in September I visited my first BNI meeting, I really liked it, liked the people in the room so joined the chapter on 1st October 2022 and I’ve never looked back. The chapter gave me 20 plus business owners that were my personal advisors as such, that’s where I was advised to go into the fire safety stuff, so I started researching fire doors, fire extinguishers, fire door maintenance and realised there was a big gap in the market for fire door maintenance, there’s not a lot of local companies that offer it. So, there was a gap there and I needed to do it right!”

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